
January 1, 2022 KeziaArticles

The beginning of a year feels like a fresh start, a new blank page for a lot of people. We aim to grow in every aspect of our lives: physically, mentally, financially, intellectually. That is why it’s common for us to create New Year’s resolution—a list of the things we would like to accomplish at the beginning of every year, yet unfortunately, it’s also common for us to quickly throw that list out the window. Research shows that only around 12% of people who make New Year’s resolution felt that they were successful in achieving their goals. But what if we can change the way we make a list of new year’s resolution, so that we can actually stick to them? Here are 5 tips on how to stick to your goals!

Make specific and realistic goals.

For example, you want to lose weight. Instead of only writing down “losing weight,” try also writing down the specific and achievable ways on how you’re going to do it, such as: hitting the gym 3-4 days a week, replacing ice cream with yogurt, sticking to the 50/25/25 eating rule, etc. This way, you won’t feel like your goals are too unattainable and overwhelming.

Take it one step at a time.

You probably have a lot of things you’d like to change about yourself. However, taking on too much and too quickly is a common reason why so many New Year’s resolutions fail. Just like unhealthy habits and behaviors develop over time, it will take an even longer time to replace those with better and healthier ones. So, take it one step at a time. Change your habits one by one, and keep working toward your goals.

Replace “problematic” behaviors with positive ones.

If you resolve to do less of something, changing that behavior is more likely to come with a sense of deprivation. Once you restrict an activity that’s been a regular part of your life, you’ll have a strong urge and craving to get back to it. To manage this, prioritize an alternative behavior that seems like a reasonable substitute for whatever you’re hoping to limit. For instance, instead of “smoking less,” try “do meditation.” Instead of “not watching TV before bed,” consider “reading a book before bed.”

Prepare useful responses when setbacks happen.

Remember, change isn’t linear. You will not always have good days. You will not always feel motivated. You might even relapse. But when this happens, don’t see it as a failure! Pick yourself up and try again. Take a moment to reflect on yourself, perhaps write things down in a journal, such as: when did the relapse occur, what might have triggered it, and what can you do differently next time.

Surround yourself with a good support system.

It might help to share your goals and experiences with the ones you love and trust, allowing them to stay with you throughout your journey. It is not going to be easy, so it’s important for you to have someone to lean on. A solid support system will also help you to be accountable for your New Year’s resolution.

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year! …right? Supposedly, yes, but for some people, it can be hard to participate in the Christmas holiday tradition. Chronic pain does not take a vacation in honor of Christmas. For those who experience that kind of pain, and for the caregivers as well, it may be difficult to participate in shopping, decorating, or partying. They may feel isolated and abandoned. So, to help you have a beautiful, less-stress season while not giving up the fun, here are 5 tips on how to manage chronic pain during the holiday season.

1) Keep things simple and delegate tasks. You don’t have to spend all of your time putting together an elaborate gathering. If you’re having a small gathering, ask your family and friends to help. Involve everyone and delegate the tasks.

2) Know your limits. Holiday invitations are often open-ended, allowing celebrations to last well into the night—but they don’t have to. And if you are dealing with chronic pain, they shouldn’t.

3) Seek support. Let your loved ones know if you need anything, or join a support group to help you cope. It’s so important for you to not deal with your struggles alone. With the right community, you will be able to overcome it and not lose hope.

4) Take breaks as much as you feel necessary. It’s okay to let go of certain traditions, go easy on your decorations, and withdraw from social gatherings and Christmas holiday activities to take a break. No celebration is fun enough if you’re hurting. 

5) Plan a recovery day. Include resting into your schedule. You can also make appointments with a professional at Hope Clinic before or after the Christmas celebration to ease your pain!

Let us help you get through the holidays. With Hope Clinic, pain-free living is possible. Hope Clinic provides non-invasive and non-opioid treatment methods to treat your chronic pain. Our therapists and professionals are equipped with adequate knowledge and skills to give you the best possible personalized treatment. Reach out to us through +1 480 659 5470 or visit our website:

Through the establishment of HOPE CLINIC CARE in Scottsdale, Arizona, Dr. Okky Oei took the very first step of actualizing the vision he always had in his heart: to provide exceptional pain management strategies for those in need by applying effectively proven non-invasive and non-opioid techniques.

What does it mean by non-invasive and non-opioid? Non-invasive means that all of Hope Clinic’s treatment and therapy practices do not involve any surgery and any medical tool that should penetrate through the skin or enter the body. Furthermore, our practices also do not require the patients to consume any kind of medication, making it safer and risk-free. The technology we use to promote healing works in a way that is able to stimulate the body to regenerate its cells, repair injured tissues, and heal itself. Our two main therapy methods are microcurrent electrical stimulation and cold laser therapy.

Both treatment modalities work in a similar way. With microcurrent therapy, the machine produces very mild electrical currents (less than 1 milliamp) to stimulate the affected tissues and the body’s trigger points. On the other hand, cold laser therapy works by producing specific wavelengths of light to speed up the tissue repairment process and accelerate healing.

Because of the high success rate of recovery (over 93% of patients have reported to experience massive improvement and benefits), Dr. Oei’s initial vision does not stop here, but it evolves into something bigger—a WORLDWIDE vision. Along with his wife, Mrs. Vicki Oei, they both long to make high quality non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical pain management services more accessible to a broader range of societies and communities, not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

One might wonder, how could they make it happen? Well, they have started their mission! In November 2021, in the middle of a global pandemic, HOPE CLINIC INDONESIA was established in Jakarta, Indonesia. Until now, it has been the first and only pain management center to provide non-invasive and non-opioid pain relief treatment using advanced microcurrent technology and hands-on methods.

As Hope Clinic Arizona and Hope Clinic Indonesia work together, we are hoping to refine our services in providing accessible and excellent quality pain management solutions for various communities and societies. We are still on the move; pursuing grander goals and contributing to improve many people’s quality of life without abandoning our noble virtues. We wish to show the world that even in the darkest, most painful time, there is still HOPE.

This is the now and the future of pain management. From a simple neck strain to chronic post-surgery pain, we got you! Don’t wait until it’s too late. Visit us and decide to live pain-free today. #LiveHopeFull #LivePainFree

For more information about HOPE CLINIC AZ, you can contact us at:

Hope Clinic Care
15030 N Hayden Rd ste 120, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Tel: +1 480 659 5470
Instagram: @hopeclinic.usa
Facebook: Hope Clinic Care

For more information about HOPE CLINIC ID, you can contact us at:

Hope Clinic Indonesia
Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama No. 37A Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, 11540
Tel: +62 812-8762-5679
Facebook: Hope Clinic Indonesia


Working out and exercising are important for so many reasons. From cardio to strength training, it is beneficial for your body and overall well-being. However, do you know what’s also necessary? Yes, warming up and cooling down before and after working out! Lots of people skip these steps without thinking much about it. Maybe they want to save time, maybe they assume that the main workout is the only thing that counts, but here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t skip warming up and cooling down before and after exercising!

Warming up prepares your body before committing a more intense workout routine, while cooling down helps the body to safely transition to a steady state of rest.

When you warm up, the low-intensity physical activities increase the blood flow to your muscles and raise the temperature of your body. By doing so, the stress and strain put on your muscles once you add the intensity of your exercise is less severe. Thus, the possibility of getting injured decreases. Warming up also minimizes the muscle soreness you would usually experience a few hours after a workout.
On the other hand, the purpose of cooling down after your workout is to gradually bring your heart rate and blood pressure to its normal level—the level it was at prior to exercising. While working out, your heart rate works harder than it does normally. So, once you’re done, ease it back down slowly instead of stopping abruptly. When you gradually decrease the pace and intensity of your exercise, it helps to regulate your blood flow as well.

Warming up

Warming up improves oxygen-efficiency, and cooling down speeds up your body’s recovery.

During an intense workout, your muscles demand more oxygen. Warming up allows oxygen to be released at a higher temperature and at a steadier rate, which improves muscle flexibility and contraction/relaxation, making your workout more effective. Then, after a heavy workout, lactic acid builds up within your system, and it takes time for your body to clear it out. Cooling down can assist this process of releasing and removing lactic acid, speeding up your body’s recovery.

Warming up also prepares you mentally, and cooling down reduces Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

Another side benefit of light warm up exercises is it helps your brain become more focused and motivated. This will get you through your workout routine, helping you train and improve your flexibility, strength, coordination, and technique. Afterwards, muscle soreness is expected, which usually happens several hours or a day later. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), and it can get extremely uncomfortable. Cool down exercises can alleviate excessive muscle soreness, allowing your body to bounce back before your next workout.
Now that you’ve learned of the 3 reasons why you shouldn’t skip warming up and cooling down before and after exercising, let’s move on to the simple warm up and cool down exercises that you can do!

Side lunges
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a wide step out to the left. Keep your right leg in its original position, and bend your left knee as you push your hips back. Make sure that both feet are flat on the ground throughout the lunge.
  • Pause briefly with your left knee over, but not beyond, your toes. Lift your hips and return your left foot to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same process with your right knee.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 15 reps.

Dynamic stretching

Leg swings
  • Raise your right leg out to the side, balancing on your left foot.
  • Swing the right leg in front of the left, and then swing it back out to the side.
  • Complete three sets of 10 reps, and then repeat with the left leg.
Side bends
  • Stand straight and reach both arms straight up overhead as you inhale.
  • Lower your right arm down the right side of your body. Exhale as you lengthen the left arm over the head while bending your body gently to the right.
  • Inhale as you return both arms overhead to the center and exhale as you repeat on the left side.
  • Repeat for 10 times each side.


Jog at a slow pace for 3-5 minutes.

Quad stretch

  • Stand and hold onto a wall for balance if needed.
  • Grab the top of the left foot and bend your knee while bringing the foot towards the glutes. Make sure that your knee points straight at the floor.
  • Squeeze your hips forward for a deeper stretch.
  • Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and switch sides, repeating one to three times per leg.
There are plenty of warm up and cool down exercises out there, you just need to find what works for you. However, one thing that you should pay attention to is: never rush your warming up and cooling down sessions. Both are beneficial for your workout routine, your body, and your overall health. Happy warming up and cooling down!


Chiropractors often talk about the importance of good and correct posture. The way you hold your body influences what feels comfortable and what doesn’t. Sitting or standing with poor posture can cause many problems including neck pain, back pain, shoulder aches, headaches, fatigue, and limited movement. However, for some people, bad habits and a lack of knowledge make it difficult to maintain this healthy position. Thus, it is easy to make these mistakes without realizing it, and as a result, our joints and muscles don’t get as much movement as they should. Unfortunately, it will take a while before the body gets any signals to let you know that you have been maintaining poor posture.

Now, it’s time to recognize the most common posture mistakes and break your bad habits!

Staying in one position for way too long

This is the number one posture mistake! We all do this every once in a while, sometimes unknowingly. Ideally, our bodies need to move and make postural changes many times throughout the day, because staying static will lead to discomfort, and eventually, pain. Even staying in a “good” posture for too long is not really that good for you.

So, what is the solution? Fairly simple—move around and change your body’s position every 30 minutes. Do some stretching, walk around your apartment, maybe a little exercise… anything helps!

Fixating our gaze downward for too long

Now, this poor posture is very common among us, from students to working adults. We’re all required to use our cellphones and computers to study and work. When we do that, the typical posture we hold is tilting our heads forward for too long. Our heads are heavy, and maintaining the incorrect posture for a long time puts a lot of tension in the neck and upper back muscles, rather than the weight being evenly supported by all the muscles of the spine.

How do I fix this? Well, your head is supposed to be straight with your line of sight and parallel to the ground beneath you. So, what you can do is hold handheld devices directly in front of you at eye- or shoulder-height. If you work with your computer or laptop often, raise your screen or stack books underneath it to ensure that you can keep your neck and spine in a neutral position.

Slouching while sitting or standing

Sometimes, slouching does feel comfortable. But when we do it, it means we’re not engaging our core (abdominal) muscles to support our spine. If your belly pushes forward and your lower back pushes backward every time you sit or stand, it can lead to lower back issues.

Fix it by sitting or standing with your back straight and pulling your belly button in toward the lower spine to engage your abdominal muscles. However, refrain from doing it too much, because it may curve the lower spine backward.

Sleeping in a wrong position

I know, I know… it feels impossible to control how and in what position you should sleep. Even so, there are a few simple things you can do to train your body to sleep in the correct posture. First, your mattress choice is important! Go for a firmer mattress. Next, the ideal sleeping position is keeping your spine straight, but sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs is alright, too. You can also sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. Make sure to not sleep on your stomach, though, because it may cause your neck and lower back to be strained.

Good posture is usually not the first thing that crosses our mind when we talk about health, but remember this: a bad posture and a good posture have one thing in commonit may change your life. So, give your posture a necessary fix!


JAKARTA, NOVEMBER 12, 2021 – Hope Clinic Care, a non-invasive and non-opioid pain management centre located in Scottsdale, Arizona, has officially established its second branch in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday, November 12, 2021. This is such a huge milestone for Dr. Okky Oei as the founder, and for the entire Hope Clinic team. The grand opening ceremony of Hope Clinic Indonesia is a realization of the vision that has been planted deep inside our hearts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hope Clinic team decided to limit the guest number who were invited to the grand opening ceremony. Even so, the ceremony was recorded live, allowing more guests, including from Australia and the United States, to join as well.
The grand opening ceremony began with a prayer, followed by a speech by Dr. Okky Oei and his wife, Mrs. Vicki Oei, about how it all started. The idea of establishing Hope Clinic Indonesia emerged in 2020, flowing from Dr. Okky’s strong desire to bring advanced healthcare technology and services to Indonesia. It turned out that Mr. Daud, the head of the Hope Clinic Indonesia team, shared the similar longing with Dr. Okky. Mr. Daud then presented the business plan to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Los Angeles.
Hope Clinic Indonesia Team
After Mr. Daud and his wife, Dr. Fena, received adequate knowledge about microcurrent technology and completed training from Dr. Okky as Hope Clinic master therapists, they brought all the necessary equipment from the United States to Indonesia. In Indonesia, Mr. Daud worked together with Mr. Aaron and Mr. Fendy to establish the plan by searching for a proper location and starting the renovation process. The Hope Clinic Indonesia team also had an in-depth discussion about the technical, operational, cultural, and relational aspects of the clinic with the Hope Clinic Arizona team.
In September 2021, the Hope Clinic Indonesia team gave their first trial treatment sessions to patients, who gave positive feedback and testimonies. Eventually, Hope Clinic Indonesia was ready to serve more people in October 2021 and held the grand opening ceremony in November 2021.
In his speech, Mr. Daud elaborated on the vision of Hope Clinic Indonesia. “We have a deep desire to improve the healthcare services in Indonesia through advanced technology and serve our brothers and sisters. We want the Indonesian society to have a better life expectancy rate, and to have a long, pain-free life.”
He continued, “The establishment of Hope Clinic Indonesia in Jakarta is the first step to fulfill our mission. We are the first and only clinic in Indonesia to provide non-invasive and non-opioid pain relief treatment using advanced technology and hands-on techniques. We are planning to establish more of Hope Clinic branches throughout the cities and villages of Indonesia, which aligns with our vision. Our dreams do not stop here. That’s why we need your support and prayers.”
Afterwards, the official grand opening was marked through a cutting ribbon ceremony by the representatives of Hope Clinic shareholders: Dr. Okky from the United States, Mr. Fendy from Australia, and Mr. Daud from Indonesia, followed by a virtual tour of the Hope Clinic building led by Mr. Aaron. The Tower of Hope—that was what they called the building—has been renovated and arranged, filled with high quality facilities as well, to give the patients the best treatment experience.
Hope Clinic Arizona Team
Before the ceremony ended, a patient named Mrs. Martini willingly shared her good experience with Hope Clinic Indonesia. She was one of the patients who received a trial treatment. She shared her story of how she had a back surgery, and her chronic pain resulted from that. “It was really painful. It hurt while I was sitting down, it hurt when I was walking around. My son told me that there’s this new pain management clinic, and he asked if I wanted to try,” Mrs. Martini explained.
“I said yes. I thought it was just another massage therapy, but nope, they were using new technology brought from the United States. During the therapy, it was still painful, but after the first session ended, my back felt much better! So, I agreed to continue the therapy sessions, not only for my back, but for my legs as well. After I’ve done around 4 sessions, my back and legs did not hurt as much anymore. Now, I can walk around and be more active, doing things I previously couldn’t,” she stated.
At Hope Clinic, we are providing non-invasive and non-opioid treatment procedures with a personalized approach, committed to cater to your needs. We are grateful that Hope Clinic has the opportunity to expand from Scottsdale, Arizona to Jakarta, Indonesia. In the future, we wish to be able to broaden our reach to other places as well, bringing hope and healing to the “no hope” chronic pain case.


November 3, 2021 Jason OeiArticles

Out of the four seasons, winter is either your favorite, or the one you despise the most. While we may dislike winter because of how cold it can get, it’s much more serious for some people. Aside from physical conditions, such as arthritis, cold weather and winter season can affect one’s mental health, too. There is a form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which occurs at the same time each year, usually throughout the autumn and winter months.

People with Seasonal Affective Disorder may become a completely different person than they normally are during spring and summer. SAD can affect your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy levels—taking a toll on all aspects of your life from your relationships and social life to work, school, and your sense of self-worth.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is more than just what people may see as “winter blues,” and it is linked to a biochemical imbalance in the brain, triggered by shorter daylight hours and less sunlight during winter. People who live far from the equator are more likely to experience SAD. In the United States alone, it affects 5% of adults and young adults (age 18-30).

The symptoms are similar to depression, such as:

  • Constantly feeling tired.

  • Significant changes in appetite and sleeping patterns (either too much or not at all).

  • Loss of interest in the activities once enjoyed.

  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

  • Being agitated and anxious.

  • Inexplicable body pain and aches.

  • Difficulty concentrating.

  • Social withdrawal.

  • Using drugs and alcohol as an escape.

  • When it gets extreme, it can lead to suicidal thoughts as well.

What causes Seasonal Affective Disorder? There are several contributing factors, one of them being our body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. It responds to changes between light and dark to regulate our sleep, mood, and appetite. As seasons change, our circadian rhythm shifts, too. This can cause us to be out of step with our daily schedule. During winter, it may feel like the days grow short and the nights last longer, leaving us feeling uncomfortable and disoriented at times.

Another reason why people develop Seasonal Affective Disorder is because your brain may produce less serotonin and more melatonin during winter due to reduced sunlight. Serotonin is a hormone that regulates your mood, while melatonin is produced by the brain to help you sleep. So, when it gets dark and chilly, your brain might produce too much melatonin and not enough serotonin, causing you to feel drowsy and unenergetic.

Fortunately, Seasonal Affective Disorder is not a hopeless condition. Although it might not be easy, it is still manageable and treatable. Take a look at these 5 things you can do to deal with SAD.

Be honest with yourself.

Wait, what does this have to do with having SAD? Well, it’s important that you acknowledge your struggle first. There’s no need to feel ashamed about it. If the symptoms are making it hard for you to carry on your day-to-day activities, acknowledge it and allow yourself to seek support.

Expose yourself to as much light as possible.

Whether it’s natural sunlight or light therapy, make sure that you get as much light as you can. Head outside every once in a while during the day. If you’re working from home, perhaps you can sit near the window and make your work environment bright.

You may also consider doing light therapy, which is a form of therapy where you expose yourself to a light therapy box that emits a very bright light (and filters out harmful ultraviolet rays). Sit in front of the light box for about 20 to 30 minutes a day (preferably within one hour after you wake up). Doing this regularly may result in a chemical change in your brain that boosts your mood and alleviates symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Using a dawn simulator.

Dawn simulators are basically alarm clocks, but instead of waking you up by blasting loud alarms, these devices produce light that gradually increases in intensity, mimicking the way the sun gently rises each morning. Different models of dawn simulators exist, but the best ones use full-spectrum light, which is closest to natural sunlight.

Eat well and consume enough vitamin D.

Winter is closely linked to the holiday season, and it is so tempting to consume so many sweet treats during the holidays. But too much sugar can cause a brain fog and decreased energy, leaving you feeling sluggish. So, it’s important to pay attention to your eating habits. You need enough nutrition and vitamins, especially vitamin D, to reduce depressive symptoms.

Be active and social as much as possible.

Yes, we get it… it’s so much cozier to stay inside, snuggling up in bed during winter. However, try to do light exercises at home and outdoor activities when you can, while also socializing and staying connected with your loved ones. These will help your brain produce chemicals like serotonin and endorphins, which will improve your mood and decrease anxiety. If necessary, you may also seek professional help and talk to a mental health expert in order to ease SAD symptoms.

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October 24, 2021 KeziaArticles

It has been a little over a year. Lives changed, the ways we do certain things as we knew it have changed, too. Obviously, it’s not easy for anyone, and we’re all coping differently. Aside from the impact of the pandemic toward public health, businesses have faced serious problems as well. Some have completely messed up their work life balance, some have lost their previous jobs, some are barely surviving, some are trying to find and create new opportunities. Plenty of business sectors are affected, from the smaller ones to the larger corporations. Now, working from home is the new normal—but the lines of work life balance are getting blurry.

Traditional working hours have gone out of the window. Since most people are working from home, it’s harder to set boundaries between work and personal life. It’s even more challenging for the ones who have other responsibilities to do at home. Suddenly, we’re bringing work everywhere: to our bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, etc. That’s why it’s essential to figure out ways to manage work life balance.

To do so, there are several levels of control we need to be aware of. If we’re not careful, it’s so easy to lose ourselves in the process.


This is the work life balance ideal we hear so much about. It’s where we keep work and life separate and why we head for the office when we could work from home, why we put on our smart clothes, why we talk about the nine-to-five. Many of us strive for it—and sometimes we even manage to pull it off.


We sometimes try to amalgamate our “work” and “life” identities into a seamless whole. We have flexible boundaries—say, by working at home during school holidays. There can be an element of disruption, but it’s because we like it that way, and we still retain control.


When it suits us, we’re happy to import things from one sphere to another. It could be something as straightforward as talking about work at home or home at work. Crucially, in such instances we decide how much to give and when.


This is where we start to lose control. We can’t stop the two worlds from entering each other’s orbit. Worrying about work deadlines at the dinner table, wondering about the kids’ forgotten football kit during a conference—the effect can be positive or negative.


Here the sense of disorder and the consequent loss of control become significant. The impingement of one sphere on the other might be physical or emotional. A loved one being rushed into hospital is an obvious example.


Now imagine a loved one is diagnosed with a serious condition. Suddenly, the emotions associated with one domain completely overpower the other. All control is gone. Disorder dominates. There’s little hope of balance now.

Working more hours doesn’t equal increased productivity. It’s quite the contrary, actually. After approximately 50 hours a week, productivity starts to decline, because it limits your creativity and capabilities to produce maximum results. Your brain and your body need rest.

There are some things you can do to unplug, unwind, and learn to manage your work life balance:

  • Make realistic goals and let go of perfectionism.

  • Set clear priorities.

  • Set boundaries, learn to say no.

  • Create moments of stillness.

  • Connect with others (who are not your colleagues!).

  • Move around! Make time for a little exercise.

  • Don’t forget to do the things and hobbies that make you happy!

If it’s been tough and exhausting for you, and you simply don’t know what to do, seeking a professional might help. It’s okay to not have it all together, especially at times like this.

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It’s almost that time of year again. The weather is changing, the temperatures are dropping, and the holidays are coming! Some people may look forward to the winter season, but some… not so much. Especially if you’re struggling with chronic pain. You might be familiar with people complaining of how the cold weather makes their pain worse. But, how does it happen? What’s the correlation between pain and cold weather? Well, there’s a valid explanation for that! These are the 3 ways how cold weather affects pain.

Our bodies are naturally trained to tell the brain that we are in danger or pain once it gets cold. It’s a form of protection, trying to keep us out of the weather conditions that could potentially harm us. So, when the colder weather hits, our bodies begin to store heat by pumping more blood to the vital organs in the center of the body, such as the heart and lungs, to ensure survival. Therefore, it causes the blood vessels in other areas to constrict and experience less blood flow. It leads to stiffness, discomfort, and pain—especially in the arms, legs, shoulders, and knees.

Winter season
Winter season

The cold changes the barometric pressure in the air as well. Barometric pressure (also called air pressure or atmospheric pressure) is the force or weight of the air surrounding us. Generally, a rise in barometric pressure is deemed an improvement in the weather, while a fall in barometric pressure usually means that the weather is deteriorating. When barometric pressure decreases, it means that there is less pressure against the body, and thus, allowing the soft tissues and joints to expand and swell in an attempt to get more oxygen. Even just a slight drop in barometric pressure can lead to increased nerve fiber sensitivity, causing joint pain and discomfort—which explains why people with arthritis can “predict” the rain or cold weather.


Lastly, cold weather means reduction of physical activities. People don’t feel like going outside as much as they usually do when it’s warmer. Less time spent outside, less exercising, less movement… all of this can make us feel worse. Why so? Because when we’re actively moving, the brain releases endorphins, hormones that escalate feelings of pleasure and reduce pain. Physical activities also improve blood flow to different areas of the body. So, the lack of it may result in declining strength and flexibility.

Staying home during winter
Staying home during winter

Does winter sound awful to you? Well, you shouldn’t dread it! You can still enjoy the season, because we’ve got some practical tips for you on how to ease this cold-induced pain and discomfort.

First, keep yourself warm, obviously. Take a warm shower, dress in layers, snuggle under your thick blanket, relax on your couch in front of your fireplace with a glass of hot chocolate… sounds pretty dreamy, doesn’t it?

Second, perhaps you could try a paraffin bath. It’s a small machine that melts paraffin wax. It works by dipping your hands and feet in, and then you let the wax harden on your skin. Afterwards, your body absorbs the heat, which may soothe achy joints.

And finally, one of the most important things to do is to move around and stay active. Do exercises that are gentle on your joints, such as swimming or yoga. Going for a jog is also a good idea, just make sure to stretch beforehand.

Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate

If you are looking for further treatment methods to ease your pain due to cold weather, Hope Clinic Care is your answer! Located in Scottsdale, AZ, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for your joint pain and any discomfort you experience here. With an over 93% success rate, Hope Clinic Care offers excellent treatment procedures that are 100% drug-free! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic Care provides solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effective—if not more.

Don’t let this winter season make you feel helpless or defeated! Make an appointment now at, or call (1) 480 659 5470.

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October 14, 2021 KeziaArticles

What do Emma Stone, Joe Jonas, and Hailey Baldwin have in common? That’s right—they all were born in Arizona! Known as the Grand Canyon state, Arizona has a lot to offer. From the year-round sunny weather to the beautiful landscapes, Arizona is one of the best destinations to visit. It’s so mesmerizing that it even became the backdrop of The Road Runner Show (yes, your childhood animated TV series)! So, if you consider moving to and living in Arizona for a long time, and you’re still trying to find more reasons to be convinced, you come to the right place! Here are 4 things you should know about living in Arizona.

Summer (almost) never ends!

Arizona has over 300 sunny days in a year. It rarely rains, especially in Phoenix—accumulating an average of just eight inches per year. When it does rain, it happens only during a few large summer storms, which are called “monsoons.” Because of this, Arizona earned the nickname, “Valley of the Sun.”

If you like summer, or if you happen to be diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, Arizona is definitely for you. However, it’s important to stay hydrated and stock up on sunscreens. You can’t underestimate the heat! It can get cold during winter, but not as cold as anywhere else.

The Grand Canyon. What more there is to say?

Being a famous and enchanting place that attracts many tourists and visitors from all around the world, the Grand Canyon is an enormous canyon cut by the Colorado River in the high plateau region of northwestern Arizona. It was established as a national park in 1919, and it has over 6 million visitors annually today, making it the second-most visited US national park after the Great Smoky Mountains. Here, there are several things you can do: hiking, boating, stargazing, visiting a museum, camping… and simply enjoying life!

Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon

Arizona has diverse landscapes that are no less beautiful.

Aside from the Grand Canyon, the state is covered with mountains, rivers, and deserts, too. You can go for a hike in the Sonoran Desert, for example. Its beautiful geography, including Saguaro cacti, are dispersed throughout foothills and hillsides. In the winter, it is considered as the greenest desert in the world. You can also find the natural habitats of some interesting animal species, such as Gila monsters, bobcats, jackrabbits, and desert tortoises. Additionally, the rivers that flow through the state are perfect for fly fishing. Rivers like Salt River, Black River, and Oak Creek are spectacular places to escape Arizona’s heat, relax, and catch some fish for dinner.

Home of your favorite sports and entertainment.

Sports, biking, operas, museums, festivals, delicious food… you name it! Arizona has plenty of golf courses, football is the number one most-played sport in the state, hockey and basketball are popular here as well. Due to the sunny weather, open-air festivals are held every once in a while, which might attract younger people. If you’re into art or movies, you can find cinemas on each corner—theatres, museums, and operas as well. This state is also known for its fancy resorts and a wide range of restaurants from various cultures, so, whatever you want to do and eat, you’ll have it here!

Fancy resort
Fancy resort

Aren’t these good enough reasons to be living in Arizona? Other than the ones listed above, Arizona also has significant job opportunities and growth, followed by reasonable cost of living. The top employment sectors in the state are trade, transportation, and utilities; education and health services; leisure and hospitality; and a rapid rise in technology and financial services.

So, if you’re still wondering if living here is a great decision, the answer is: yes! You are always welcomed!

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