
Have you ever pulled a muscle and had to visit a physiotherapist to treat it? Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is beneficial in many ways! Generally, physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when a person is injured or disabled, and it is suitable for people of all ages. Physiotherapists usually perform a combination of hands-on manual and exercise-based techniques to help patients achieve the best results, such as improved range of motion and flexibility.

Some of the health problems that physiotherapy can help include:

  • Bones, joints, and soft tissue – for example: back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and sports injuries.

  • Brain or nervous system – for example: movement issues resulting from a stroke or Parkinson’s disease.

  • Heart and circulation – such as rehabilitation after a heart attack.

  • Lungs and breathing – such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis.

Other than these, physical therapy encompasses a wider range of varieties and benefits. There are several specific kinds of physiotherapy that serve different purposes. Here are 5 types of physiotherapy that you may not know!

Sports physiotherapy

This branch specifically deals with sport athletes and professionals, assessing and treating sports injuries at all levels. The main goal is to ensure that the athletes are not in pain anymore and are in their best condition, supporting their athletic performance and their overall health development.

Rehabilitation and pain management

Physiotherapy can help patients manage and get rid of various body aches and pains. The treatment methods are typically personalized to cater to specific patient needs and requirements.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy

This type of physical therapy deals with pain experienced throughout the musculoskeletal system, which consists of the muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. The purpose of the treatment is to increase mobilization, relieve pain, manage injuries, treat soft tissue damage, improve flexibility, and decrease the risks of getting injuries in the future.

Paediatric physiotherapy

If you have infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents who experience neuromuscular, developmental, or skeletal disorders, paediatric physiotherapy is the answer you need! The treatment techniques basically aim to enable children to move around freely and participate in the day-to-day activities, but physical therapy may also alleviate pain, improve fine and gross motor skills in children, help them regain range of motion & strength, and facilitate better cognitive processes.

Vestibular rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based program to improve balance and reduce dizziness-related problems. Signs of dizziness include: feelings of unsteadiness, being lightheaded, floating, tilting, sensations of moving and whirling (vertigo). Before the treatment plan is developed, a few tests must be conducted, such as balance, leg strength/flexibility, gait (the way an individual walks), neck mobility, neck & arm strength, visual stability & mobility, and positional testing (including an inner ear exam). The goal of your treatment plan is therefore to improve any deficits that were identified through the tests and the overall function of the body.

If you would like to book a physiotherapy session, feel free to contact Hope Clinic! Located in Scottsdale, AZ, Hope Clinic provides non-invasive and non-opioid treatment methods to treat your chronic pain. Our therapists and professionals are equipped with adequate knowledge and skills to give you the best possible personalized treatment. Reach out to us through +1 480 659 5470 or visit our website:

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October 24, 2021 KeziaArticles

It has been a little over a year. Lives changed, the ways we do certain things as we knew it have changed, too. Obviously, it’s not easy for anyone, and we’re all coping differently. Aside from the impact of the pandemic toward public health, businesses have faced serious problems as well. Some have completely messed up their work life balance, some have lost their previous jobs, some are barely surviving, some are trying to find and create new opportunities. Plenty of business sectors are affected, from the smaller ones to the larger corporations. Now, working from home is the new normal—but the lines of work life balance are getting blurry.

Traditional working hours have gone out of the window. Since most people are working from home, it’s harder to set boundaries between work and personal life. It’s even more challenging for the ones who have other responsibilities to do at home. Suddenly, we’re bringing work everywhere: to our bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, etc. That’s why it’s essential to figure out ways to manage work life balance.

To do so, there are several levels of control we need to be aware of. If we’re not careful, it’s so easy to lose ourselves in the process.


This is the work life balance ideal we hear so much about. It’s where we keep work and life separate and why we head for the office when we could work from home, why we put on our smart clothes, why we talk about the nine-to-five. Many of us strive for it—and sometimes we even manage to pull it off.


We sometimes try to amalgamate our “work” and “life” identities into a seamless whole. We have flexible boundaries—say, by working at home during school holidays. There can be an element of disruption, but it’s because we like it that way, and we still retain control.


When it suits us, we’re happy to import things from one sphere to another. It could be something as straightforward as talking about work at home or home at work. Crucially, in such instances we decide how much to give and when.


This is where we start to lose control. We can’t stop the two worlds from entering each other’s orbit. Worrying about work deadlines at the dinner table, wondering about the kids’ forgotten football kit during a conference—the effect can be positive or negative.


Here the sense of disorder and the consequent loss of control become significant. The impingement of one sphere on the other might be physical or emotional. A loved one being rushed into hospital is an obvious example.


Now imagine a loved one is diagnosed with a serious condition. Suddenly, the emotions associated with one domain completely overpower the other. All control is gone. Disorder dominates. There’s little hope of balance now.

Working more hours doesn’t equal increased productivity. It’s quite the contrary, actually. After approximately 50 hours a week, productivity starts to decline, because it limits your creativity and capabilities to produce maximum results. Your brain and your body need rest.

There are some things you can do to unplug, unwind, and learn to manage your work life balance:

  • Make realistic goals and let go of perfectionism.

  • Set clear priorities.

  • Set boundaries, learn to say no.

  • Create moments of stillness.

  • Connect with others (who are not your colleagues!).

  • Move around! Make time for a little exercise.

  • Don’t forget to do the things and hobbies that make you happy!

If it’s been tough and exhausting for you, and you simply don’t know what to do, seeking a professional might help. It’s okay to not have it all together, especially at times like this.

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