
September 28, 2021 KeziaArticles

No gain without pain, but if we can avoid it, then why not?

Hitting the gym for the first time can be intimidating, especially if you go on your own. Once you walk in, it can even feel like people are staring at you (but honestly, they’re not). Then, as a gym newbie, you’ll have to be familiar with the equipment, or maybe you’d want to make small talks with the fitness junkies who have been devoted members there for years. Well, making friends is necessary, but knowing the correct workout posture and how to use the equipment properly is more essential.

Why? Obviously, when you’re not familiar with the fitness gears and proper exercising positions, it’ll be easy for you to get injured. You don’t want that. It’s not only painful, but it will also interfere with your daily life outside the gym. There are several injuries that are common in the fitness world that you, as a gym newbie, should know. Let’s break them down one by one.

Lower back pain

This injury is one of the most common ones. Lower back pain may result from muscle strain that happens around the area of the spine, either due to overstrenuous workout and heavy-lifting, or incorrect body posture.

Lower back pain

Knee pain

Knee pain occurs among gym enthusiasts quite often, too, and it can be excruciating. Knee injury has different types, though, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, which is a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. Another knee pain involves irritation and inflammation of one or more tendons that attach the muscles to the bones, which is called patellar tendinitis.

Knee pain

Shoulder strain (rotator cuff injury)

Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint, allowing you to move and rotate your arms. When your rotator cuff is hurt, it will be hard for you to even comb your hair. Your shoulder will ache at the slightest movement. It may be a result of lifting excessively heavy weight and improper training form.

Shoulder strain

To minimize the possibility of getting injured, it’s important to do some warm-ups and stretching before working out. Start small—by running a short distance on a treadmill before increasing the number once you get used to it, by lifting lighter weights first before gradually moving on to the heavier ones. Be consistent and press on, but don’t be too hard on yourself either. Aim for progress instead of perfection.

Warming up

However, if you wake up the next morning after your first gym day, you may experience soreness throughout your body. This is normal, it doesn’t always mean your body’s injured, as long as the soreness and pain subside within a reasonable timeframe. But if the pain persists, then that’s a sign that you do get injured. That sucks, but injuries shouldn’t stop or demotivate you from reaching your goals.

When it happens, instead of taking prescribed medicines, let me offer you a better alternative: physiotherapy. Physiotherapy has been proven effective to treat various injuries, from the injuries with milder pain to the chronic ones. And when we’re talking about exceptional physiotherapy techniques, there is only one place to go: Hope Clinic Care.

Hope Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ

In Hope Clinic Care, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for your injuries. With an over 93% success rate, they offer excellent treatment procedures that are 100% drug-free! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic Care provides solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effectiveif not more. Before you know it, you’ll be able to hit the gym again.

Prove it for yourself. Make your appointment now at


September 5, 2021 KeziaArticles

Have you experienced a terrible headache or an intense lower back pain, so bad that you could not do the daily tasks you usually could? Or have you wondered what living with chronic pain is like? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States alone, over 20.4% of adults suffer from chronic pain, which is over 50 million Americans. Pain is considered as chronic when it persists for more than 6 months, despite receiving medication. It is usually constant, ongoing, and at times, debilitating; making it difficult to complete daily tasks.

What causes chronic pain? It generally begins with an initial injury, like a pulled muscle or sprain. Chronic pain develops after the nerves become damaged, which means that even when the underlying injury is treated, the pain may remain. Even so, there are some cases when people experience chronic pain without prior injuries, but this may occur due to their deteriorating health conditions—detected or not.

It’s important to keep in mind that there is a difference between acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is often caused by something specific, such as surgery, dental work, fractured bones, giving birth, and so forth. It is sudden, and it feels “sharp,” but it doesn’t last longer than 6 months. When the cause is treated, the pain will go away.

The most common types of chronic pain are the following:

  • Headaches

  • Arthritis

  • Lower back pain

  • Fibromyalgia (widespread musculoskeletal pain)

  • Neurogenic pain (pain caused by nerve damage)

  • Psychogenic pain (physical pain that arises from psychological stressors or disorders)

For those who have to deal with chronic pain, doing simple day-to-day activities can be challenging. Their mobility is limited, they’re faced with a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and dependence on opioids; basically, their overall emotional state and quality of life decreases. Some days can be harder than others, to the point that even taking care of personal hygiene feels impossible. Medications help, but don’t make the pain disappear. In fact, they come with side effects, which, well… bring even more issues.

Moreover, chronic pain may not be as visible as we tend to think, thus, people who suffer from it also have to deal with other people’s assumptions and misunderstanding about their pain. Some might mean well by saying things like, “Hope you feel better soon!” or “Have you tried consuming [insert a type of medicine] and doing [insert a type of exercise]?” However, in most cases, the pain is constant—and more often than not, the sufferers have done everything they can in their power, everything they could think of to be cured, but unfortunately, there may be no such thing as “feeling better soon.” And sadly, this is what living with chronic pain is like.

What living with chronic pain is like

Nonetheless, if you happen to be one of those people who are forced to live with chronic pain, please don’t lose hope! We’ve got some suggestions of what could make your life slightly easier. The pain may not go away entirely, but you should never let it dictate your whole life.

1. Modify your home, car, and workstation.

Rearrange your home (closets, shelves, cabinets) to make things a little easier for you. Modify your workstation as well, by placing objects that you use daily within easy reach to help you do your activities with as little hindrance as possible. If you need to go somewhere, adjust your car seat so that you can drive somewhat comfortably.

2. Do light exercises.

Although some days, you may not feel like it, getting active and exercising helps you maintain or improve your mobility by keeping your muscles active and your joints flexible. In the long run, doing this can contribute to easing your symptoms and pain.

3. Seek help and support.

Surround yourself with people who understand and support you through it all. You don’t have to go through this alone. You are not a burden, and it’s okay to ask for help. Psstt… support doesn’t have to be a person or a group of people, but you can even get a service and emotional support animal, too! 🙂

Service dog

4. Develop healthy coping skills.

You are free to adjust and manage your lifestyle until you find what suits you best in the moment, despite the pain. For example, you can plan your diet, learn to make simple meal-preps, start journaling, find a new hobby, join a supportive community, and many more!

At Hope Clinic, we provide various services to treat chronic pain, including hands-on techniques and laser therapy, which facilitate your body to maximize its own healing and repairing ability. We have over 93% success rate so far, and all our methods are completely non-invasive and drug-free! We are committed to giving the best for our patients. When it feels like there is no way out, we are here to assure you that there is still hope.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and make an appointment! 


Why should we talk about chronic pain in women?

It is true that pain is a universal experience—something that everybody in the world has to deal with regardless of gender, race, age, and background. In a way, pain can be good, because it tells your brain that there is something wrong. Your body’s nervous system sends pain signals to trigger your brain, and by doing so, it’s trying to protect you from wounding yourself further.

Pain also helps you to discover what your body needs, and to get a proper diagnosis when ill. Experiencing it becomes a huge issue when it’s ongoing and recurring, which is referred to as chronic pain. It usually lasts for 6 months or longer, but some people even struggle with it for all their lives. Chronic pain affects millions of people around the world, and it tends to persist, although they have done everything to treat it.

However, there are specific kinds of pain that only occur in women, such as endometriosis and vulvodynia. Meanwhile, other types of pain like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis affect women so much more than men. Women generally experience pain more severely and long-lastingly, too. Why does this happen? There are several factors that affect chronic pain in women, including hormones, puberty, menstrual cycle, and reproductive status.

Chronic pain in women occurs in larger percentage compared to men.
Chronic pain in women occurs in larger percentage compared to men.

Now, let’s look deeper into each type of commonly found chronic pain in women.

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disorder where the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus (the endometrium), somehow grows outside the uterus. The common symptoms for this are: painful periods (including lower back pain and abdominal pain), excessive bleeding, pain with urination and bowel movements, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation—especially during menstruation.

  • Vulvodynia

As you may have guessed, vulvodynia is pain or discomfort that affects the vulva, which is the opening of the vagina. The types of discomfort and pain women may feel are burning, stinging, itching, and soreness around that area. It can be constant or intermittent, but it generally lasts over 3 months.

  • Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is referred to as widespread musculoskeletal pain that affects all over the body. It causes many other problems, such as fatigue, sleep issues, memory loss, anxiety, and mood swings. There are other symptoms as well, which are:

      • Abdominal pain, digestive problems, constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

      • Pain in the face or jaw that may be diagnosed as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ).

      • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that mainly affects the joints. It causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints, particularly the hands, wrists, and feet. It changes the lining of your joints, and may result in bone erosion and joint deformity. However, rheumatoid arthritis may even affect the skin, eyes, lungs, blood vessels, salivary glands, etc.

  • Osteoarthritis

Being the most common form of arthritis, it occurs most often in hands, hips, and knees; caused by the wearing and breaking down of the cartilage in the joints, so that the bones begin to change. The symptoms develop slowly, starting from feeling pain in the impacted area, joint stiffness, swelling, loss of flexibility, and grating sensation (hearing popping or crackling).

Like previously stated, these conditions affect more women than men. Unfortunately, despite these differences, women are also the ones who have to deal with misdiagnosis and mistreatment from healthcare professionals. Many reported that they were not taken seriously when they ran to medical professionals for help. Gender biases do exist in the medical field, causing plenty of women who have reported their pain being shrugged off by the people who are supposed to help them.

Another instance, a study* published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that, due to the fact that the existing medical understanding and concepts are based on male physiology, women are seven times more likely than men to be misdiagnosed and discharged in the middle of having a heart attack. In conducting research on chronic pain, 70% of the sufferers are women, and yet, 80% of the subjects of the studies are men. Thus, leading to the current issues and barriers women face to receive proper treatment for their chronic pain.

This needs to change. Chronic pain in women is valid, too, and there’s no reason for them to experience mistreatment, ignorance, and misdiagnosis time and time again. It’s important for us to break the barriers together as a society.


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Airpark’s Hope Clinic goes International

by Kristine Cannon

Board-certified family medicine physician and pain specialist Dr. Okky Oei has put the patient first, treating thousands of people with varying degrees of acute and chronic pain for more than 40 years. Since opening Hope Clinic in the Airpark in 2018, however, Oei has turned his attention and time to also helping fellow therapists. Of the 20 or so therapists he has personally trained and certified at his Scottsdale clinic, several are helping Oei expand Hope Clinic—internationally.
“Of course, I’d like to see more Hope Clinics in the US—and Arizona, for starters,” Oei says. “But the neat part is Hope Clinic worldwide has actually begun.”
Since Hope Clinic’s inception, Oei and his staff have treated all types of problems such as back pain; arthritis; hip, knee, and foot pain; carpal tunnel; tennis and golf elbow; and neuropathy. What sets Hope Clinic apart is its approach.
Hope Clinic not only provides pain relief through non-invasive technology, myofascial release techniques, and other therapeutic approaches, but it also specializes in integrative medicine, forgoing invasive procedures and narcotic prescriptions.
“We don’t use any opiates at all. We don’t prescribe anything. We don’t inject anything. And yet, our results are over 90% (positive). We see very positive results,” Oei says.
Simply put, Oei says, Hope Clinic helps the body do what it needs to do in the first place, which is repair and heal. It’s this approach to medicine and treatment that Oei teaches fellow therapists. Oei also developed a training program that allows him to duplicate the clinic through webinars and certification. While Hope Clinic was on its way to expanding in 2019 and 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic derailed it, Oei says, forcing him to briefly furlough his staff and close both Valley locations. Within a couple months, however, he was able to reopen the Scottsdale office and reignite expansion.
“A group that became very interested in this from Indonesia happened to be here, living in the States. So, I trained them, and they have now started Hope Clinic Indonesia. It’s starting to expand,” Oei says.
Oei has also had an expansion in patients amid the pandemic, particularly among young adults seeking pain treatment, notably related to sports and physical activity. “We see a wide variety of things and also age groups, anything from the younger to, very often, the older,” Oei says.
As a result of COVID-19, which saw many Americans working from home, Hope Clinic has treated pain related to increased laptop use, including “the back, oftentimes when the muscles get tight, overuse of hands and arms and carpal tunnel,” Oei says.
Photo by Pablo Robles
According to an April 2021 study in the journal Demography, chronic pain has significantly increased for all U.S. adult demographics, including young adults. Overall, chronic pain affects more than 20% of U.S. adults, and the joints and lower back were highlighted as the most prevalent sites of pain.
“The U.S. health care system focuses on procedures and medications. For pain, however, the focus needs to shift to prevention and management, including support of self-management and interdisciplinary conservative treatment approaches,” corresponding author Dr. Anna Zajacova told Medical News Today.
And that’s what Oei would like to do more of, particularly among younger patients: help them understand the source of the pain and help them manage it in a non-invasive way. “My goal and my hope is… (to) get to people earlier and really have them understand, because most people, once they know what we do, it makes sense and it becomes then kind of a logical interest of why we do things and what they need to do,” Oei says.
Oei’s interest in pain management began while he was in medical school in 1969. It was during this time that he sustained a severe back strain injury that became chronic. Unfortunately, he discovered his body couldn’t tolerate any muscle relaxants or pain killers. Oei turned to alternative ways to manage his back pain and spasms. Fast forward to 1972 and Oei was practicing family medicine. Within six months, he observed an increase in chronic pain sufferers—and his interest was piqued.
Upon moving to Scottsdale in 1984, Oei was introduced to microcurrent electrical therapy and low-level cold laser, modalities that he would soon discover led to, when combined, “exponential results” in treating pain. Then, in 2007, Oei formed Laser Health Technologies, a company that helped develop the LaserTouchOne, a first-of-its-kind product that is clinically proven to be 93% effective in reducing pain. Considered a safe alternative to medication or surgery, the product has since been cleared by the FDA for prescription and for over-the-counter use.
“It’s safe and easy to use and available without a prescription,” Oei said in 2010, at the time of the product’s FDA clearance for direct-to-consumer OTC distribution. “In addition, the LaserTouchOne is portable and personal—delivering drug-free, pain-free relief—and is as easy to hold and use as an electric toothbrush.”
After opening the Eureka Pain Relief Clinic and offering non-invasive and non-opioid treatments, Oei began training other therapists, and in 2018, finally opened Hope Clinic. “it was always a dream to be able to treat more people, and most importantly, share it with other therapists and (teach) other professionals how to do it, since this is not something that you would find in mainstream medicine,” Oei explains.
Looking ahead, Oei hopes to not only expand Hope Clinic throughout Arizona—and worldwide—but also help others understand their pain, instead of, as he puts it, opting for a “Band-Aid therapy” that helps people feel better with temporary pain relief but doesn’t restore or heal the body.
“I want people to understand that this is not the instruments. It’s really what we do to help the body do the work. We have a phenomenal body,” Oei says. “I tell patients, ‘Your miracle is your body, because it was designed to repair and heal.’”


Usually, when we experience pain, especially the one that gets worse in every passing minute, it’s hard to focus on anything else. You feel paralyzed, unable to do anything, just wishing for it to end. Medicines might help, appointments with physical therapists are beneficial as well, but there is another thing that you can do: visualizing your pain and guided imagery.

Unfamiliar with it? Let us make it clear for you. Essentially, guided imagery uses mind-body connection by tapping into your imagination. It’s a relaxation technique that aims to lower the levels of your stress hormones and increase the cognitive functions of your brain. To do so, you are required to stimulate all of your senses and create an imaginary experience to reconstruct the current experience of pain or fear—this can be done on your own or with the help of a professional, such as a physician, clinician, and a therapist. If you can envision how the pain leaves your body, it will calm your sympathetic nerves and de-escalate your “fight or flight” tendency.

Here’s an example. Perhaps, your knee is in so much pain that you can hardly walk. You can start imagining a reality where your knee is completely fine, and you can walk without any problems. Then, you are going for a hike. You see a beautiful view, hear the birds chirping, smell the fresh, crisp air, and pick some flowers along the way, too. The idea behind this visualization is that doing this will cause you to be immersed in pleasant images and scenarios, redirecting your attention from the pain and giving a sense of comfort. In addition, you may regain strength and hope, believing that you can actually overcome the pain.

Other than helping you relax, guided imagery may help reduce the side effects of any medication you’re under, improve psychological well-being, increase pain tolerance, speed up your healing process, and break the negative association your brain has made with pain. How does this happen? Through the relaxation achieved through guided imagery, chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are released, blocking the signals sent to your brain from the nerves that are responsible to detect pain. Guided visualization is often accompanied with deep breathing, soothing music, and body scan meditations. If you’re not used to it, you can begin the visualization by imagining something simple, something familiar, such as how the rays of sun touch your skin, the way the ocean waves hit the shore, etc.

Another thing you can do is to visualize your pain in shapes and colors. For instance, you may create a mental image of the pain, perhaps imagining it as a big, red ball. Play with it for a while. Afterwards, as you exhale, imagine the ball getting smaller and smaller. Then, think about many different ways to get rid of the red ball. Maybe you crush it with a hammer, maybe it just explodes—whatever comes to your mind.

When you’re finished, you might find yourself feeling slightly better. However, keep in mind that it doesn’t make the pain completely go away. This is just another alternative that can be implemented along with other forms of therapy or medications. Repeating the visualization process is recommended whenever you begin to feel that the pain is unbearable. By doing so, you are learning to manage your pain better, no matter where, no matter when.


As an athlete, I’m very aware of my body and there’s nothing worse than when the body isn’t working, whether from an injury, recovering from surgery, or just the aging process. I’ve been told that I have a high tolerance for pain, and I often ignore what many other people might not be able to deal with. People don’t realize that a race car driver needs physical strength, and we endure tremendous amounts of vibration, concentration, and g forces. My career also requires me to travel for business and public appearances, so I spend a lot of time on airplanes and in hotels.

I was introduced to Dr. Okky Oei and his LTO (Laser Touch One) by a dear friend when I was dealing with considerable knee pain which ultimately led me to require bilateral knee replacement surgery. I know the LTO significantly accelerated my healing and it was so easy to take with me everywhere I traveled. It’s one of the first things I put in my suitcase when travelling.

Following knee replacement surgery I’ve had additional injuries and surgeries; including rotator cuff and bicep tendon surgery, fractured vertebrae, and hip placement surgery. While each of these surgeries and injuries involves very capable medical professionals (doctors, surgeons, physical therapists) each with their own specialty, their time and knowledge are often limited. That’s not the case with Dr. Okky Oei – he knows SO much, always has the time to spend to fully grasp what’s going on with your body and your life. And he’s trained each of his staff to follow the same protocols and attitude. They ask questions. They listen to you. They pay attention to what you’re telling them. They adjust your treatment to accommodate what’s happening, because the healing process evolves.

As an athlete who races cars, I’m always in a hurry about everything. Patience is not one of my attributes. And combining the aging process with my latest injuries my recovery has been incredibly difficult and slow. Seriously slow. I’m approaching the second anniversary of the crash that caused my latest problems, and while I’m considered one of the most positive people on the planet, I often started losing hope that I would ever heal. When I come to the Hope Clinic I often take a moment (and even take a photo) of the sign in the office, “Hope anchors the soul”. I guess I can credit Dr. Oei and the Hope Clinic to teach me patience. Also, the LTO is such a wonderful tool for all types of injuries, aches and pains, and sometimes just simple soreness. I often have to remind myself to use it because we forget to do some of the basic things we know we should do.

I’m a team-oriented person, and I consider Dr. Okky Oei and the Hope Clinic on my team! Put them on your team!

Lyn St. James


by Efrem Lieber (Scottsdale, AZ)

Use it or lose it! That advice from my Mother resonated with me all through my life. She walked and cycled miles every day into her 80’s, so I vowed to emulate her.

I was a four-sport athlete in high school, two-sport participant in college and continued to play high-level baseball, softball, and basketball well into my 40’s. As I grew older and inevitably heavier, tennis and golf became my sports of choice, especially because I could enjoy them wherever my professional career took me: Long Island, the Boston suburbs, Chicagoland, Delaware, and Arizona.

Tennis requires quick reflexes for netplay, rapid side-to-side and forward-back movement for court coverage, and fast shoulder rotation for an adequate serve. After foot and hand broken bones, bad reaction to treatments for kidney stones, tennis elbow, peripheral neuropathy, and a sudden sciatica attack, I found I had lost these skills to leg, hip, and shoulder pain and weakness, at the age of 78. In addition, my sleep was interrupted by those pains and persistent discomfort. Even walking, to and from work or on the golf course, was painful and daunting.

I tried many possible treatments for relief: a competent chiropractor tried adjustments and acupuncture to no avail. Common NSAID’s had no effect; I even tried an opioid on two occasions to get some much-needed sleep. On the advice of one doctor, I took two weeks off from tennis and golf. The layoff did not help.  I was desperate to avoid the aches and pains, so I considered quitting tennis altogether.

My daughter suggested that an evaluation at Hope Clinic by Dr. Okky Oei might help; he had treated an injury of mine previously, using the LaserTouchOne pain relief device. The evaluation was very thorough; Dr. Oei analyzed all possible concerns and issues I presented. Then he and his dedicated staff began attacking every possible cause of my pain, using a comprehensive combination of unique devices, electrical, mechanical, and manual stimulation, plus old-fashioned elbow grease.

By concentrating on my particular needs, Hope Clinic treatments began to relieve my pain. Even better, the individualized two-month program restored my reflexes and mobility. The program included instructions on proper warmup and stretching exercises. Sleep became more predictable and productive. No medicines were necessary to help me cope with pain or intense play. I can walk the golf course pain-free. My tennis partners are pleased by the improvement because together we win more often!

Well, Mom; I thought I’d lost it, but I got it back! All of this improvement is thanks to The Hope Clinic.


Everybody has experienced muscle strain at least once in a lifetime. Maybe you injured your back, or sprained an ankle. But what really causes a muscle strain? Well, it occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn, as a result of overusing it, incorrect posture, or fatigue—which is why professional athletes and fitness junkies may experience it often.

It’s not limited to them, though. Anyone from any age is exposed to the possibility of getting their muscle sprained. For instance, an office worker who sits in front of a computer all day long can also experience back pain, neck pain, or any ergonomic injury. Depending on its severity, it can be quite an annoyance, hindering us from doing our daily activities. No wonder why some people decide to ignore it and push through the pain.

Strained Muscle

However, that’s not the healthiest thing to do. There are consequences to deal with when you choose to leave a strained muscle untreated. For example, a small muscle tear will become larger if you ignore it, resulting in an even worse pain. Furthermore, it may lead to instability and disability of the affected body parts. Let’s say your Achilles tendon is injured, and you decide to neglect it. Over time, its tear will get bigger and it might turn into a full rupture, which means that the tendon has pulled apart completely and your heel is no longer connected to the calf muscle. Ouch.

So, what should you do when you tear a muscle? To a certain extent, it’s possible to treat it yourself. The first thing you need to do is… rest! Refrain from making too much movement. Then, you can either grab an ice pack, or put some ice inside a towel and compress it on the strained muscle for about 20 minutes. Repeat this step four to eight times a day. After 2 days, however, begin doing light stretching and activities with your injured muscle, because too much rest may cause stiffness or weakness.

In Hope Clinic Care, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for back pain, sprained ankle, or any other muscle strain. With an over 93% success rate, 100% drug-free excellent treatment procedures are guaranteed! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic Care provides solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effectiveif not more.

Decide to live pain-free naturally, today. Visit now at, or call (1) 480 659 5470.


June 1, 2021 KeziaArticlesNews

Golf is a game enjoyed by men and women of all ages. It’s a very fun and collegial sport.

However, because a golf swing uses all the muscles and joints in the body over and over again, many golfers develop joint, muscle, soft tissue, or back problems that could easily become chronic.

I want my golf students and friends to play “pain-free” golf. When I learn that my friend or student has an injury that is impairing their golf performance, an injury that could become chronic, I refer them to Hope Clinic. I personally use the therapy at Hope Clinic to keep my body pain-free.

The service at Hope Clinic is personal and supportive. No needles or drug prescriptions. Hope Clinic works in a way that enhances your individual healing power to heal the injured area and helps you become pain-free.

It’s a different kind of treatment; it’s revolutionary. You bet it is! I began learning of this type of medicine over 40 years ago from Dr. Okky Oei, the founder of Hope Clinic, and I have seen recoveries over and over again. I highly recommend you to try their great service.

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