
Looking for a non-invasive, non-medication, easy way to treat pain? LaserTouchOne is your answer!

LaserTouchOne, abbreviated to LTO, is a high-tech portable pain relief device. It combines the technology of cold laser therapy and bioelectrical therapy to help alleviate pain and discomfort without surgery, injection, or other invasive procedures (non-invasive) and without the use of medication such as painkillers (non-opioid). The small, lightweight, and ergonomic design of LTO makes it easy for you to carry everywhere!
LaserTouchOne was first discovered and patented in 2007 by Dr. Okky Oei, the founder of Hope Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, along with a team of collaborators. This innovative treatment uses low-intensity laser light and micro electrical currents to stimulate healing and promote tissue regeneration. In 2009, LTO passed the tests conducted by the United States Food and Drug Administration, allowing it to be sold over-the-counter without requiring approval from a doctor or other healthcare professionals. In one LaserTouchOne kit, you will receive the LTO device, charger, 142 grams of electrode gel, user manual, instructional video DVD, and warranty card.

How do you use LaserTouchOne? It’s very easy! First, apply an adequate amount of gel to the painful area of your body. Then, press the “ON” button on the LTO and adjust the microcurrent electrical strength using the e-stim dial on the device. Afterwards, the device is ready to be used by rotating it over the affected area of your body.
LaserTouchOne can be used up to 5 times a day, with a duration of 2-3 hours between each usage. This is highly recommended so that the body can respond well to the pain management using LTO. The combination of low level laser therapy and microcurrent electrical therapy in LaserTouchOne stimulates the body’s tissues and supports cell regeneration, assisting the human body to heal itself. Other benefits include reducing swelling and inflammation, relieving pain, improving circulation, and easing muscle tension.
Try it out for yourself and experience the benefits! To consult with our experts, book your sessions, and purchase LaserTouchOne, hit us up at Decide to live pain-free today.


Do you experience muscle aches a lot, including back pain, stiff neck, or sore legs? Are you wishing for a pain free life? Have you had to deal with sports injuries or post-surgery disabilities? Perhaps, you’ve been in constant pain for many years and you’ve done everything you can to find healing, yet nothing seems to be working.

If so, we have some good news for you!

Along with his wife and dear colleagues, Hope Clinic founder Dr. Okky Oei published a book: “From Pain to Wellness, There Is Hope.” Hope Clinic Care is a pain management clinic that specializes in non-invasive and non-opioid pain therapy, meaning that our methods do not require you to go under the knife and that we do not prescribe medications to consume.

Dr. Okky Oei has spent decades learning how the human body miraculously works and is capable of healing itself when injured, and he became one of the pioneers of a treatment method that combines the technique of cold laser therapy with microcurrent technology. Hope Clinic has helped a lot of the “no hope” cases, allowing people to achieve a pain free life, including a former professional race car driver, Lyn St. James; and a golf instructor and book author, Kerry Graham.

Through hands-on techniques, myofascial release, microcurrent electrical stimulation, and cold laser therapy, Hope Clinic triggers and facilitates the human body, which is the most miraculous system, to heal itself from pain and other related diseases. We are fully committed to treat patients with compassion, dignity, and the highest quality of care. The patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process towards pain free living. All factors that influence health, wellness, and pain are taken into consideration, including the body, mind, spirit, and community.

In this book, Dr. Oei shares some of his passion, knowledge, and journey—aspiring to show the world that there is still hope even in the darkest of times. If you or your loved ones are struggling with mild and chronic pain, muscle injuries, and post-surgery disabilities, we are here to help. Decide to live pain free today!

Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends and get in touch with us!

Hope Clinic Care

15030 N Hayden Rd ste 120, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 United States

Tel: +1 480 659 5470





Grab your “From Pain to Wellness, There Is Hope” book copy here: 


July 19, 2022 KeziaArticles

Soccer is undeniably one of the most popular sports in the entire world, and even more so in the United States. However, just like any other sport, soccer comes with its own risks of injuries. These injuries are categorized into acute and cumulative injuries. Acute injuries oftentimes are caused by a fall, collision with other players, a strike, or any immediate action. On the other hand, cumulative injuries are the ones involving repetitive stress and pressure on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue, leading to body aches, pain, and physical impairment.

These injuries happen mostly in the lower part of the body. These are the 5 most common soccer injuries that you need to pay attention to!

Ankle sprain

Ankle sprains occur when there is a stretching and tearing of ligaments surrounding the ankle joint. Lateral ankle sprains (outside of the ankle) can occur in soccer when a player kicks the ball with the top of their foot. A medial ankle sprain (inside of the ankle) can occur when the toes are turned out while the foot is flexed upward.

Achilles tendon rupture

A rupture involves the partial or complete tear of the Achilles tendon, often with an audible popping sound. This can occur when a soccer player performs fast, explosive movements, such as chasing after the soccer ball or darting away from a member of the opposite team.

Groin pull 

A groin pull is a type of strain that occurs when the muscles of the inner thigh are stretched beyond their limits. A soccer player can pull their groin when kicking a ball and/or being met with resistance by an opponent who attempts to kick the ball in another direction.

Hamstring injury

Hamstring injuries involve the three back muscles of the thigh and can range from a minor strain to a total rupture. The continuous running, sprinting, and stopping movements in soccer can lead to hamstring injuries.

Runner’s Knee

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, often called runner’s knee, is a condition in which the cartilage under the kneecap is damaged due to injury or overuse. It can occur when there is misalignment in the knee or strained tendons.

To prevent these injuries, it’s important to do some warm ups and cool downs. Gentle stretches around the groins, hips, hamstrings, Achilles tendons, and quadriceps will help a long way. Wear protective gear and make sure they fit you just right. Lastly, check the playing field and weather conditions before starting the game.

But what should you do when you hurt yourself while playing soccer? Worry not! Hope Clinic offers personalized treatment for sports injuries, including soccer. At Hope Clinic, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for your soccer-related injuries. With an over 93% success rate, they provide excellent treatment procedures that are 100% drug-free! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic presents a wide range of solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effectiveif not more.

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Microcurrent electrical stimulation is a technique for treating musculoskeletal pain by using low-level electrical current, where the current is delivered by a particular device to certain parts of your body that are affected. This kind of therapy uses an extremely mild electrical current, which is only one millionth of an ampere. The human body also produces its own current in each cell, making this therapy suitable to treat pain and body aches. So, let’s take a look at the 3 reasons why you should choose microcurrent electrical stimulation therapy for your pain!

Microcurrent electrical stimulation has little to no side effects.

Due to its non-invasive and non-opioid nature, microcurrent electrical stimulation is considered extremely safe for everyone. From children to senior citizens, microcurrent electrical therapy can be effective in treating injured muscles and joints, repair body tissues, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pain without having to consume medicines or go under the knife.

There are, however, some conditions that you need to pay attention to before undergoing microcurrent therapy. Make sure that you are hydrated, drinking plenty of water before your treatment session begins. Furthermore, if you are one of these groups of people, you are unfortunately not suitable for microcurrent electrical therapy.

List of people who should not undergo a microcurrent treatment:

  • People with pacemakers (small devices implanted in the chest to help control the heartbeat).

  • People who have uncontrolled seizures.

  • People with implanted pumps (battery-powered devices that are surgically implanted to provide continuous drug delivery for pain management in patients with non-cancer pain).

  • Pregnant women.


Microcurrent electrical stimulation improves your body’s ability to repair itself.

As previously stated, the human body produces its own natural current within every cell, which provides intercellular communication through electromagnetic signaling. This signaling is interfered with and the communication is disrupted when your tissues and muscles get injured. So, this is where microcurrent technology plays its role. The low-level electrical current delivered to your affected tissues will help restore your body’s electromagnetic field back to normal, allowing the injured cells to heal. The length of the healing process is different for every individual, some take a longer time to heal than others. The good news is, other than speeding up the process of recovery, microcurrent treatment procedures can also contribute to the prevention of getting similar injuries in the future.

Microcurrent electrical stimulation can be personalized according to your injuries and needs, and it works best when combined with other hands-on therapy and exercise programs.

The frequencies used in microcurrent electrical stimulation differs, depending on the injuries and tissues involved. For every kind of tissue in your body, there is a specific frequency. Moreover, this therapy will not mess with other manual therapy or medications that you have to be under. Instead, microcurrent treatment will support other treatment methods that you require to do, and thus, accelerate your healing process.

Some injuries that microcurrent therapy can treat include:

  • Arthritis,

  • Fibromyalgia,

  • Sports injuries,

  • Back pain,

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome,

  • Tennis elbow,

  • Muscle sprains and strains,

  • Post-surgery pain,

  • Shoulder pain,

  • Nerve injuries,

  • And many more.

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It’s almost that time of year again. The weather is changing, the temperatures are dropping, and the holidays are coming! Some people may look forward to the winter season, but some… not so much. Especially if you’re struggling with chronic pain. You might be familiar with people complaining of how the cold weather makes their pain worse. But, how does it happen? What’s the correlation between pain and cold weather? Well, there’s a valid explanation for that! These are the 3 ways how cold weather affects pain.

Our bodies are naturally trained to tell the brain that we are in danger or pain once it gets cold. It’s a form of protection, trying to keep us out of the weather conditions that could potentially harm us. So, when the colder weather hits, our bodies begin to store heat by pumping more blood to the vital organs in the center of the body, such as the heart and lungs, to ensure survival. Therefore, it causes the blood vessels in other areas to constrict and experience less blood flow. It leads to stiffness, discomfort, and pain—especially in the arms, legs, shoulders, and knees.

Winter season
Winter season

The cold changes the barometric pressure in the air as well. Barometric pressure (also called air pressure or atmospheric pressure) is the force or weight of the air surrounding us. Generally, a rise in barometric pressure is deemed an improvement in the weather, while a fall in barometric pressure usually means that the weather is deteriorating. When barometric pressure decreases, it means that there is less pressure against the body, and thus, allowing the soft tissues and joints to expand and swell in an attempt to get more oxygen. Even just a slight drop in barometric pressure can lead to increased nerve fiber sensitivity, causing joint pain and discomfort—which explains why people with arthritis can “predict” the rain or cold weather.


Lastly, cold weather means reduction of physical activities. People don’t feel like going outside as much as they usually do when it’s warmer. Less time spent outside, less exercising, less movement… all of this can make us feel worse. Why so? Because when we’re actively moving, the brain releases endorphins, hormones that escalate feelings of pleasure and reduce pain. Physical activities also improve blood flow to different areas of the body. So, the lack of it may result in declining strength and flexibility.

Staying home during winter
Staying home during winter

Does winter sound awful to you? Well, you shouldn’t dread it! You can still enjoy the season, because we’ve got some practical tips for you on how to ease this cold-induced pain and discomfort.

First, keep yourself warm, obviously. Take a warm shower, dress in layers, snuggle under your thick blanket, relax on your couch in front of your fireplace with a glass of hot chocolate… sounds pretty dreamy, doesn’t it?

Second, perhaps you could try a paraffin bath. It’s a small machine that melts paraffin wax. It works by dipping your hands and feet in, and then you let the wax harden on your skin. Afterwards, your body absorbs the heat, which may soothe achy joints.

And finally, one of the most important things to do is to move around and stay active. Do exercises that are gentle on your joints, such as swimming or yoga. Going for a jog is also a good idea, just make sure to stretch beforehand.

Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate

If you are looking for further treatment methods to ease your pain due to cold weather, Hope Clinic Care is your answer! Located in Scottsdale, AZ, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for your joint pain and any discomfort you experience here. With an over 93% success rate, Hope Clinic Care offers excellent treatment procedures that are 100% drug-free! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic Care provides solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effective—if not more.

Don’t let this winter season make you feel helpless or defeated! Make an appointment now at, or call (1) 480 659 5470.

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Usually, when we experience pain, especially the one that gets worse in every passing minute, it’s hard to focus on anything else. You feel paralyzed, unable to do anything, just wishing for it to end. Medicines might help, appointments with physical therapists are beneficial as well, but there is another thing that you can do: visualizing your pain and guided imagery.

Unfamiliar with it? Let us make it clear for you. Essentially, guided imagery uses mind-body connection by tapping into your imagination. It’s a relaxation technique that aims to lower the levels of your stress hormones and increase the cognitive functions of your brain. To do so, you are required to stimulate all of your senses and create an imaginary experience to reconstruct the current experience of pain or fear—this can be done on your own or with the help of a professional, such as a physician, clinician, and a therapist. If you can envision how the pain leaves your body, it will calm your sympathetic nerves and de-escalate your “fight or flight” tendency.

Here’s an example. Perhaps, your knee is in so much pain that you can hardly walk. You can start imagining a reality where your knee is completely fine, and you can walk without any problems. Then, you are going for a hike. You see a beautiful view, hear the birds chirping, smell the fresh, crisp air, and pick some flowers along the way, too. The idea behind this visualization is that doing this will cause you to be immersed in pleasant images and scenarios, redirecting your attention from the pain and giving a sense of comfort. In addition, you may regain strength and hope, believing that you can actually overcome the pain.

Other than helping you relax, guided imagery may help reduce the side effects of any medication you’re under, improve psychological well-being, increase pain tolerance, speed up your healing process, and break the negative association your brain has made with pain. How does this happen? Through the relaxation achieved through guided imagery, chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are released, blocking the signals sent to your brain from the nerves that are responsible to detect pain. Guided visualization is often accompanied with deep breathing, soothing music, and body scan meditations. If you’re not used to it, you can begin the visualization by imagining something simple, something familiar, such as how the rays of sun touch your skin, the way the ocean waves hit the shore, etc.

Another thing you can do is to visualize your pain in shapes and colors. For instance, you may create a mental image of the pain, perhaps imagining it as a big, red ball. Play with it for a while. Afterwards, as you exhale, imagine the ball getting smaller and smaller. Then, think about many different ways to get rid of the red ball. Maybe you crush it with a hammer, maybe it just explodes—whatever comes to your mind.

When you’re finished, you might find yourself feeling slightly better. However, keep in mind that it doesn’t make the pain completely go away. This is just another alternative that can be implemented along with other forms of therapy or medications. Repeating the visualization process is recommended whenever you begin to feel that the pain is unbearable. By doing so, you are learning to manage your pain better, no matter where, no matter when.


by Efrem Lieber (Scottsdale, AZ)

Use it or lose it! That advice from my Mother resonated with me all through my life. She walked and cycled miles every day into her 80’s, so I vowed to emulate her.

I was a four-sport athlete in high school, two-sport participant in college and continued to play high-level baseball, softball, and basketball well into my 40’s. As I grew older and inevitably heavier, tennis and golf became my sports of choice, especially because I could enjoy them wherever my professional career took me: Long Island, the Boston suburbs, Chicagoland, Delaware, and Arizona.

Tennis requires quick reflexes for netplay, rapid side-to-side and forward-back movement for court coverage, and fast shoulder rotation for an adequate serve. After foot and hand broken bones, bad reaction to treatments for kidney stones, tennis elbow, peripheral neuropathy, and a sudden sciatica attack, I found I had lost these skills to leg, hip, and shoulder pain and weakness, at the age of 78. In addition, my sleep was interrupted by those pains and persistent discomfort. Even walking, to and from work or on the golf course, was painful and daunting.

I tried many possible treatments for relief: a competent chiropractor tried adjustments and acupuncture to no avail. Common NSAID’s had no effect; I even tried an opioid on two occasions to get some much-needed sleep. On the advice of one doctor, I took two weeks off from tennis and golf. The layoff did not help.  I was desperate to avoid the aches and pains, so I considered quitting tennis altogether.

My daughter suggested that an evaluation at Hope Clinic by Dr. Okky Oei might help; he had treated an injury of mine previously, using the LaserTouchOne pain relief device. The evaluation was very thorough; Dr. Oei analyzed all possible concerns and issues I presented. Then he and his dedicated staff began attacking every possible cause of my pain, using a comprehensive combination of unique devices, electrical, mechanical, and manual stimulation, plus old-fashioned elbow grease.

By concentrating on my particular needs, Hope Clinic treatments began to relieve my pain. Even better, the individualized two-month program restored my reflexes and mobility. The program included instructions on proper warmup and stretching exercises. Sleep became more predictable and productive. No medicines were necessary to help me cope with pain or intense play. I can walk the golf course pain-free. My tennis partners are pleased by the improvement because together we win more often!

Well, Mom; I thought I’d lost it, but I got it back! All of this improvement is thanks to The Hope Clinic.


Everybody has experienced muscle strain at least once in a lifetime. Maybe you injured your back, or sprained an ankle. But what really causes a muscle strain? Well, it occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn, as a result of overusing it, incorrect posture, or fatigue—which is why professional athletes and fitness junkies may experience it often.

It’s not limited to them, though. Anyone from any age is exposed to the possibility of getting their muscle sprained. For instance, an office worker who sits in front of a computer all day long can also experience back pain, neck pain, or any ergonomic injury. Depending on its severity, it can be quite an annoyance, hindering us from doing our daily activities. No wonder why some people decide to ignore it and push through the pain.

Strained Muscle

However, that’s not the healthiest thing to do. There are consequences to deal with when you choose to leave a strained muscle untreated. For example, a small muscle tear will become larger if you ignore it, resulting in an even worse pain. Furthermore, it may lead to instability and disability of the affected body parts. Let’s say your Achilles tendon is injured, and you decide to neglect it. Over time, its tear will get bigger and it might turn into a full rupture, which means that the tendon has pulled apart completely and your heel is no longer connected to the calf muscle. Ouch.

So, what should you do when you tear a muscle? To a certain extent, it’s possible to treat it yourself. The first thing you need to do is… rest! Refrain from making too much movement. Then, you can either grab an ice pack, or put some ice inside a towel and compress it on the strained muscle for about 20 minutes. Repeat this step four to eight times a day. After 2 days, however, begin doing light stretching and activities with your injured muscle, because too much rest may cause stiffness or weakness.

In Hope Clinic Care, you can get non-invasive and non-opioid treatment for back pain, sprained ankle, or any other muscle strain. With an over 93% success rate, 100% drug-free excellent treatment procedures are guaranteed! Using verified hands-on techniques and dual modality devices, Hope Clinic Care provides solutions to relieve pain by facilitating your body to maximize its healing and repairing ability. No drugs needed, yet just as effectiveif not more.

Decide to live pain-free naturally, today. Visit now at, or call (1) 480 659 5470.

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